Now that spring is here; it’s time for all property owners to be reminded to keep their lands free and clear of all grass and weed overgrowth. Tipp City Code § 94.61 requires grass overgrowth and noxious weeds growing on lands within the city’s limits and public right-of-way to be cut periodically.
Tipp City Ordinance § 94.60 requires in no case shall the grass or weeds be allowed to exceed a height of six (6) inches. Grass and weeds in uncultivated gardens, fallow fields, or undeveloped building lots shall not be excepted. Owners of properties adjoining an alley are also reminded to trim vegetation from the alleyway. All overgrown grass and weeds must be cut and destroyed within five days after this publication.
Lands in Tipp City that are not properly maintained and become a nuisance may be mowed and trimmed by a contractor hired by the City. All expenses will be billed to the property owner.
Your regular maintenance is appreciated and will help reduce the number of complaints the City receives. Thank you in advance for cooperating in making our community a pleasant place for neighbors and visitors.