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HomeEntertainment‘Cinderella’ is perfect fit for La Comedia

‘Cinderella’ is perfect fit for La Comedia

It’s widely believed that a lot can be told about a person from the shoe’s they wear, it must be true as it was said by the Momma of Forrest Gump.  Shoes can tell where a person might be going, where they have been and according to ‘Cinderella’ determine your bride.

The classic Rodgers & Hammerstein fairy tale is a perfect fit for the La Comedia stage and is brought to life with engaging characters, vibrant costumes and beautiful music.  Adults and children alike, many little princesses were in the crowd,  will be drawn into the live action story book.

While I never understand why all the good looking Prince’s in fairy tales have such a hard time finding a woman, which is the case for Prince Christopher. He is pressured to find a bride at a Ball, attended by all the towns women. The role is played by Graydon Long, making his professional stage debut but performed like a veteran.

Hoping to steal the heart of the Prince are the two wicked step-sisters, who are polar opposites of each other in every way, except for how they treat Cinderella as a servant. Each plays their part perfectly, one is high strung with spirited energy while the other is low key and frumpy. From the way they talk to how they move, everything is in total step with their personality.

The character that has wreaked havoc with countless child/parent relationships, including for Bobby in an episode of the ‘Brady Bunch,’ the evil stepmother. She overloads Cinderella with chores and give no appreciation in return. She actually makes Kate Gosselin appear as a model mother. The role is filled by Janet Brucken, a favorite of La Comedia regulars, including myself. She’s able to make such a sinister character likeable.

For Cinderella the opportunity to even have a chance at meeting the Prince is nothing more than a dream. She is never able to venture out far away from home and only has rags to wear anyway. It would Impossible to ever acquire his love or anyone else’s. At least not without the help of her Godmother (Becky Barrett-Jones).

Due to the magic of the Godmother and the La Comedia stage crew a pumpkin carriage, drawn by white mice turned into horses, suddenly appears to take Cinderella to the Ball. She is also dressed in a luxurious evening gown. As Cinderella, Malia Henderson is making her professional stage debut and seems born to play a Princess.

It’s love at first sight when Cinderella appears at the Ball, but her time with the Prince is cut short due to having to be back before midnight. In her rush to get away when the clock strikes 12 one of her slippers is left behind. As a result, the Prince tried the slipper on every woman in town in search of her, talk about drastic measures. Prince Christopher even walks through the audience to try and get the slipper on to a few women in the crowd.

If searching for a classic love story with a happy ending, ravishing costumes and glorious music then ‘Cinderella’ is a perfect fit. It will fill the La Comedia stage through August 29 with evening performances Wednesday-Sunday (arrival time 5:30-6:00 p.m.) and matinees Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday (arrival time 10:30-11:00 a.m.). Children 11 and under are $28. Reservations can be made by phone at (937) 746-4554 or 1-800-677-9505.


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