Monday, May 6, 2024
HomeOpinionWoody's WitWill Write for Food

Will Write for Food

As proven by Ted Williams this week, some times fairy tales really do come true. Life certainly can be stranger than fiction, if the events were in a Hollywood movie they would be viewed as totally unrealistic, but You Tube proves that William’s miracles are reality.

Talk about a tale of inspiration, Williams went from being homeless to becoming the hardest working man in America from all the job offers he’s received. The Cleveland Cavaliers, Kraft Macaroni and many other companies hired him to be their announcer/spokesperson. After years of not even having a television, he appeared on about every talk show in the span of two days and was reunited with his mother. It’s the ultimate rags to riches story, all because of his smooth golden voice.

If such good fortune can land on Williams by standing on the street with a sign pleading for help, why not try it myself? The world is filled with talent that has yet to be globally discovered, and perhaps by standing on the corner of a busy intersection I could catch the eye of a major publisher. I could be offered a column in the New York Times, ordered to write a novel or assigned articles for national publications. Crazy? Just ask Ted Williams how unbelievable the notion sounds.

The colder it gets, the more sympathetic the public becomes. Unfortunately, also less willing to roll down their window to give a dollar or some change. My first weekend was not very fruitful, though someone did throw me a rotten banana. If sacrifice is a means of success, I should be on the right track as I went hours without Facebook while standing out on the corner. I thought a laptop would present the wrong image, plus I used the only outlet for a portable heater.

All that Williams ever wanted was the chance to use his unique voice, and my ultimate dream is for my writing to spread across the world. It’s never known what tomorrow might bring, as my audience could change from Tipp City to Los Angeles. Instead of being interviewed on Get Social, I could be on Regis & Kelly. Just because I cared enough to be homeless.

Next time you pass a beggar on the side of the street, just remember that it might be someone of tremendous talent, or it might even be me?




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