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Top Reasons Why Living in Your Parents Basement is a Bad Idea

Top Reasons Why Living in Your Parents Basement is a Bad Idea

What do hackers, millennials, teenagers and unemployed middle-aged oddballs have in common? These are all examples of people who might be found living in their parents basement. We’re not saying it’s all bad, but there are zillions of reasons why living in a basement is not a great idea.

Social stigma

Face it. There’s just no cool way to tell someone with whom you are flirting that you’d like to take them home to your mom’s basement. No matter how you try to dress it up, the fact remains that parental oversight is only a few steps away at all times.

Basement residency is wrong for romantic relationships

If you dwell in the lower levels of your mom and dad’s house, you may find it very difficult to meet somebody and fall in love. Establishing and maintaining a romantic relationship is harder for persons who live in the parent’s basement, explains The Evening Standard.

Lack of natural sunlight

Besides being embarrassing and bad for romance, basement living comes with real health risks. You might be aware of the national mold problem, but there’s more to it than that. When you reside in a basement, you may not get all the natural sunlight you need to stay healthy.

If you are like most people, you know that too much sun can lead to an array of health issues, including skin cancer. What you might not already understand is that sunlight also provides a number of life-sustaining, mood-lifting benefits. Exposure to natural sunlight, especially in wintertime, helps to prevent a type of depression known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

The onset of nighttime encourages the brain to release a hormone known as melatonin. Without enough melatonin, you may experience sleeplessness and insomnia.

The natural rhythm of light and dark is imperative to human health and happiness, explains Healthline. The rays of the morning sun release a brain chemical called serotonin that helps you to wake up. Serotonin also lifts your mood and facilitates focus and productivity. The best way to trigger serotonin release is via natural sunlight in your eyes. Another way to boost serotonin production is by way of a photo therapeutic light box.

A very nice way to lighten things up in your mom’s basement is to call Sky-Scapes to find out about our fluorescent light diffusers. Rooms that are under the main rooms of a house tend to be dark. Sometimes, they’re even a little bit creepy. A natural light diffuser adds color and interest to an otherwise dreary below-ground space.

Choose from a splendid selection of Sky-Scapes light diffusers, including:

Why young adults live in their parents’ basement

In many countries, it is standard behavior for young adults to reside with their mom and dad, at least until they get married. In the United States, it’s not so usual, but the trend is definitely becoming more common. Some of the reasons include:

  • Unemployment or underemployment
  • Too-high tuition costs
  • Out of control rent prices
  • Outrageous cost of student loans

A downturn in employment opportunities may be the number one reason millennials live with their parents, according to Forbes magazine.

Benefits of basement living

Life in mom and dad’s basement does have its good points. For one thing, the cost of staying at home is typically a whole lot less than shelling out monthly mortgage or rent payments. As a rule, most parental homes maintain a well-stocked refrigerator and provide free Internet service, as well.

Three signs that it’s time to move out of your mom’s basement

You have too much stuff

If your computer, gaming consoles, clothes and everything else that you own is crammed into a single basement room, it’s probably time to get a bigger place where you can spread out and de-clutter your life. And, when you do get your own apartment or house, take everything with you. Remember, it’s not your folks’ job to store your stuff once you are an adult, says Adulting magazine.

You crave privacy

When you invite your friends over to chill, do your parents want to be part of the fun? Is it awkward to bring your special friend over, because your mom could walk in at any moment? When you want to have a private phone call, do you have to step outside? These are signs that you need your own space.

A cramp in style

It’s not exactly easy to “be yourself” when you’re living with mom and dad after the age of, say, 30. When you dwell under your parents’ roof, you’ve got to comply with their rules. If you like to listen to loud music at night, or if you wish to practice drums first thing in the morning, you’d better get your own place for that sort of fun.

Parental pressure

Sure, your mom and dad love you dearly, but there may come a time when your parents drop hints that enough is enough. Familial togetherness is a fine concept, but eventually, your parents may desire some time by themselves. You will, too. Your parents were a couple before you were born, right? It stands to reason that one of these days, they’ll want to enjoy intimate one-on-one time again. Don’t worry about it. Just get your own place and visit for Sunday dinner now and then.

Make basement life better

For the first time since the 1940s, more young adult Americans between 18 and 34 live with their parents than in their own home. In fact, young millennial men are far more likely to reside in their parents’ home than with a spouse, says Pew Research Center.

If you reside in your parents’ basement, whether due to financial circumstances or by choice, you can improve your living situation dramatically with one or more light-diffusing panels or films from Sky-Scapes. To know more, contact us today.


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