Tuesday, May 21, 2024
HomeEventsIan Bagg to tickle Dayton's Funny Bone

Ian Bagg to tickle Dayton's Funny Bone

The key to any successful relationship is communication and Ian Bagg always strives to maintain peace with his audience by listening as he speaks. His act resembles a party and nobody likes a host who dominates the conversation. At the Funny Bone, August 12-15, Bagg will host a pleasant exchange with those in attendance. “It’s a controlled chaos. Come for a good time to escape, it’s like going to a barbeque to have good conversation. And I hear you,” said Bagg, who serves hearty laughs rather than sandwiches to his guests.

A Canadian, Bagg was raised in the small town of Terrace, about 850 miles from Vancouver, and thought it was nice being able to know everybody, he was anxious to leave. His ticket out came from comedy which started at an Open-Mic night in a Vancouver Comedy Club. “I didn’t win the contest but the owner said I should come back, so I did,” said Bagg.

It was an instant love affair and quickly became Bagg’s passion as he moved through the Canadian circuit. “It’s more addicting than heroin and with less track marks,” he laughed.

A high fills Bagg every time he takes the stage as his spirits soar above the crowd to a greater place. “I feel like the girl flying with winds on the Philadelphia Cream Cheese commercials.”

There isn’t a single aspect of his career that Bagg doesn’t enjoy, though the traveling does get tiring, the resulting rewards make it more than worth it. A personal highlight was performing in the Middle East and China, places he otherwise wouldn’t have ever had the courage to visit on his own.

Bagg’s material comes straight from life and the experiences he has encountered from Canada to Los Angeles, where he now resides. He feels the vast majority of the population will be able to relate to his act. “If you have been burnt by life, and I think 98% of people have, then come.” For language Bagg gives his routine an R rating, while he doesn’t swear just to be swearing he grew up around loggers and it was a regular part of his vocabulary.

“I like having people love or hate what I do, either way it gets them fired up. The chicks are great too,” he said.

On August 12-15, Bagg will be at the Funny Bone with 7:30 performances each night, and also at 10:30 on Saturday and Sunday. For reservations call 429-5233.



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