Monday, May 6, 2024
HomeArchiveOpinionMy Thoughts: Tipp Tax Credit Reduction

My Thoughts: Tipp Tax Credit Reduction

I have been mentally “in the weeds” on this issue for some time. I believe that the accusation of “taxation without representation” and “unethical taxation” are not entirely appropriate descriptions of the current situation. As this is not a direct democracy, we cast our votes by delegate and those duly elected take the responsibility and burden for decision making. Our elected officials have delivered to us a tax (effectively) that we do not appreciate and we have voted twice to “forgo” rather than seek the benefits that those dollars would command. I am not willing to go as far as to say that this local taxation is institutional “theft” or that any actions that have been made by Council were illegal or made with intent to benefit directly or indirectly.

It was Alexander Hamilton that I recall once said, “That a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity…”

I think that in the same way that Council has not properly explained or defended their reasoning behind the tax credit reduction, we as supporters of smaller and more responsible government must guard against the same. In an effort to not be considered a “reactionary” I have held my tongue as to my true ideas and reserved my thoughts until now. I do not believe that “tea-bagging” will be curative and it will not further or hold higher the cause of freedom or liberty for which we all seek.

If those that are in power seek to deliver upon us a tax for which we believe no public support is held, it would be entirely appropriate by either Initiative or Referendum to declare their actions tyrannical and unfounded as is defined in the Charter of the State of Ohio.

I would suggest and defend the actions of any Statute Referendum combined with a Recall petition first to eliminate the undesired taxation and second to remove those responsible for clearly misinterpreting the desire of the electorate and residents of the City of Tipp City. Thankfully folks like Teddy Roosevelt provided guidance for the formation of these steps to challenge actions taken by the legislature that the constituents have not provided approval, tacit or otherwise.

My thoughts notwithstanding, in support of smaller and more accountable government, I have been furtively working on this web newspaper The TippNews DAILY that will allow us as a community to speak our minds and share our thoughts so as to properly organize our efforts, highlight our community accomplishments and direct our elected officials actions. While the mainstream press may desire to color reaction and mute resolve, I believe that new media has an opportunity to open eyes and reclaim territory lost on TV and in print. After all, it has always been the press’ responsibility to act as the blade to the razor of democracy.



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