Friday, May 17, 2024
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Stepping into Zumba

Zumba at GinghamsburgFor a year I had resisted but there was no more putting it off as I was forced to attend a Zumba class. As part of working on article for the Gazette about the Zumba with Andrea classes at The Avenue I was encouraged to partake in the full experience to raise my journalistic standards. The only problem is that exercising and dancing are two of my most feared activities and Zumba is a combination of both.

Like a child the night before their first dentist appointment, I got little sleep. Filled with the nervous anticipation of making a total fool of myself. Yes, I’ve done it many times before but it still never gets easier. I was certain that everyone else would be moving gracefully and I’d be stumbling all over or pass out from sheer exhaustion.

I immediately found a spot in the back row and attempted to blend into the room full of women. Mere seconds into the class as my arms and legs were being waved in all sorts of directions I yearned for the comfort of being back in my recliner. It’s amazing how long a song can seem when you are moving to the music. Mind you, I’m not very physically fit the most exercise I usually get is stretching my mind to think of status updates to put on my Facebook.

With the first song completed, a little confidence was gained, despite not being able to feel my arms. However, I had yet to trip over my own two feet and realized that everyone is to busy focusing on themselves to notice what mistakes I make.

The first half of the class is very high energy and works the entire body. It doesn’t take long for the sweat to start pouring the muscles to be aching. Everyone is encouraged to move at their own pace though and take a drink of water whenever they wish.

I soon began searching for a clock on the wall as my body was telling me the hour of class had already passed. When I didn’t find one I grew nervous, afraid that Andrea, didn’t have a way to keep track of time and that we would go over.

The second half of the class involves some lifting of weights. For motivation I pretended that I was lifting up a big Philly Cheese Steak sandwich or something, it’s what I needed to keep myself moving. Surrounded by about 20 women I couldn’t let a pair of 5 pound dumbbells beat me.

Finally, the class concluded with some stretching exercises, most of which included laying on the ground. At last a position which I can master.

Truth be told, Zumba wasn’t that bad and I was left with a feeling of accomplishment. Granted I didn’t do every move exactly right and as usual moved a step or two slower than the norm but I never got as lost as I expected. My fears by far outweighed the reality. In return my body took a step towards better health.

Zumba with Andrea is offered at The Avenue of Ginghamsburg Church on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings at 9:30 to 10:30. If I can do it, anyone can truly do it, the hardest part is just convincing yourself to come. It took a year, but I finally did it and I think its worth getting a Pulitzer for.

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