Saturday, May 4, 2024
HomeArchiveOpinionCurrent National Political State

Current National Political State

In the mist of all the budget and contraceptives controversy I wanted to add some common sense. Really it all comes to real data and facts.

  • Contraceptives – Really should we be paying for casual or recreational sex contraceptives? Where do you stop? Do you pay for sex toys to get in the mood? How about a nice dinner before? The argument for contraceptives is moot. It’s really about the constitution. Being told what you can and cannot do.
  • Federal Spending – Were broke. The Presidents budget does not reflect that. If you went to a financial counselor with a house hold situation like this would your expectation be? Your income is $55,000 per year. Your spending is $96,500 per year. You’re racking up 41,500 in credit debt per year. Your current credit card debt is $366,000. What would you do?
  • If we took everyone from the 1% total income away to go to the budget, we would only pay down 1/3 of our total debt. Then Warren Buffets secretary would be out of work plus millions of others which would increase our overall costs. We can’t tax our way out of this mess. We need to cut spending.
  • If getting things for nothing appeals to everyone, which it appears it may be trending that way, we need to have high school curriculums changes to teach our kids to file for entitlement benefits. Forget college, what is the incentive?

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